The LGBT movement is one of the biggest, currently happening, social movement in the United States. Discrimination and oppression has driving these people to fight for their equal rights and the right to marriage. The gay rights movement started at around 1924 but real progress began in the 1960's. After being heavily discriminated activists wanted to create a bigger impact in a more organized way. The event called "Stonewall Riots" transformed the movement greatly and it increased the movement's participants. Stonewall consisted of a 3 day protest which resulted in the LGBT resisting a police raid.
In the 1980's the AIDS epidemic rose amongst the majority of the gay male population. This changed many of the movement's ways and also made it more difficult for them to protest against discrimination. Around these times the word "queer" was created to describe all sexual minorities. In the U.S military the "don't ask, don't tell" policy came about which let homosexuals join the army while still prohibiting it. This raised the movement to fight for their civil rights and such. Marriage was another topic that was controversial and still is. Gay Marriage has been legalized in only 2 states in the U.S while others still go against it. By rallies and protests across the country the LGBT community is slowly trying to convince the government of their rights as human beings.
Today we see the communities attempt to be accepted into society and to be recognized as normal human beings. People are still treating homosexuality as a "disease" and something unwanted and immoral in society. Parades and protests are a common sight in many of the states of the U.S and even around the world. Slowly but surely, the LGBT community will get their points across and hopefully, be successful in their journey to gain equal rights.
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