Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Time for Change.

Years and years have passed and some rights have been acquired by the Gay community, slowly but surely. In the 1980's gay political activists succeeded to include the homosexual community in the anti-discrimination ordinances. These ordinances prevented discrimination in housing, restaurants and other public places. Many religious groups were against this and fought until the end to take the homosexual community out of the picture.

The LGBT community is still struggling to be accepted and are constantly trying to make same sex marriage legal, which is the topic they are most passionate about. By the passing of Prop 8 the community has suffered greatly. Proposition 8 happened in California that states that only marriage between a man and a woman is recognized and accepted. Marriages accepted before Prop 8 are legal but now same sex marriage is illegal. Although this was a great tragedy other states have approved gay marriage. These states are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire according to the 2011 statistics.

The reason people are so against homosexual marriages is because the same sex cannot procreate and cannot bring out anymore generations. Many people believe that procreation is the main thing about marriage and it is the reason people put up a special bond. The gay community is trying to make the government and other people understand that marriage happens because of love and nothing else. Yes, creating life is important in a way but so is love and true bonds. Little by little the LGBT community is trying to make their voices heard for acceptance and equality. The fiery passion they hold in their hearts will eventually be strong enough to convince many that being gay is not a fault and that it is not a choice but the way they were born.


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