Monday, February 14, 2011

The Great German Immigration.

Unlike many immigration stories revolving politics, Germans moved away from their homeland due to the extreme violent conditions they were experiencing. Germany was constantly being attacked by enemy armies and it's citizens were being robbed and tortured. Entire German villages were being burnt down and completely destroyed. Consequently, many of their inhabitants were killed. While the German immigrants were fleeing to America, their rulers tried to stop them, but the masses were too big to stop.

(In the picture: A lovely German family getting ready to leave towards America via train.)

Although after the 1800, Germans were moving away simply because it was easier to move away due to technological advances. They traveled to the
U.S in steam boats and trains. Many Germans picked cheaper routes through Great Britain to the U.S. In this method they traveled through boat and train to get to their destination. Although it was cheaper it took a longer waiting toll.

Many Germans preferred to live in the countryside than in the cities. Due to their location many of them were born farmers. In cities though, Germans would cluster up and create replications of German towns. Some of their abundant jobs were bakers, tailors, cigar makers, beer brewers, distillers, cabinetmakers, tailors, etc...Women, on the other hand, could not hold jobs so easily. They would do jobs like laundry, domestic workers, bakers, janitors, nurses and so on. Germans were mostly divided amongst themselves in these German communities. This was due to different geography, ideology, and religion. Most Germans were Protestants, a third part was Catholic and about 250,000 were Jews.

Oddly enough, I would have loved to move to the United States due to the condition of my homeland "Germany". I would be ecstatic to leave and escape all the violence and absurdity the country was experiencing. Even though racial discrimination was amongst themselves and maybe other races, it would have been something I could have endured for a better living life. Germans had it easy, getting small jobs really fast, faster than others. In the end, immigration would be the only thought in my mind if I were in that time period and facing these troubles.

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