Thursday, February 17, 2011

Canada Welcomes Immigrants from Around the World!

Canada is a country known for its hospitality and neutralness in the aspects of war, but what else is Canada known for? About 240,000 immigrants are accepted in Canada per year. This extreme amount would frighten anyone but not Canada. Canadian lawyers and such are encouraging more immigrants to move to their country. Half of these immigrants are Indian and Chinese. About a third of the population does not speak either English or French. This thought could be a good thing, but many citizens are complaining. People are now criticizing via comments on videos about the encouragement of Canadian immigrants, but with every negative comment comes a good one. The debate on weather Canada should keep on welcoming these immigrants is something that could take years to end, but for now, Canada keeps welcoming immigrants from all over the world to their homeland.

Videos like these encourage people to move to Canada. You can also see the support these videos have as well as discussions about it. The Second video are real immigrants talking about their past homes and why they moved to Canada. They explain their experiences in Canada and how their life changed upon arriving to Canada. This positive feed could encourage many to come to Canada and increase the number of immigrants in Canada. In my opinion all these immigrants deserve a warm home and in Canada they got it. I believe that these people found a chance to live well in this land and others should have the opportunity to do so as well.

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