Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's A Topic Everyone Wants to Know.

Talking about immigration sparks up thoughts about the past. I know whenever I tell people where I was born people always ask me to tell them more about me and my past. You see, I was born in Tijuana, Mexico. I know it doesn't look like it by my appearances and lack of accent, but I was really born there. My father was born and raised in Mexico while my mother was born and raised in Puerto Rico. As far as I know, my father's family has always lived in Mexico, probably moving to different cities, but never leaving the country. My mother though, her family has come from different places like Spain. I learned that she actually had the chance to live in Spain and experience it while my grandfather was studying to be a doctor. When my mother was old enough she moved to California to work. There she had her first daughter, my sister Edna. After that she moved to Mexico where she met my father and had me. My heritage is a mix of Spanish and Mexican blood as well as Puertorican.

Here are the coats of arms to my last names.

Surprising enough both families come from Spain, so I can easily say that my Spanish blood is more abundant than others. I am proud to be both Mexican and Puertorican and I am also proud of my family's heritage.

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